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Friday, March 5, 2010

Criminal Sentence 354: Which Which?

From a Web site article that quotes a singer about American Idol:

"Some of the judges, I don't think they're qualified to even judge," the Grammy Award-winning singer said, without specifying which judge to which she was referring.

Which which is a good which, or are both whiches whiches which we can live with?

The first which--"which judge"--is fine. Which judge are you talking about?
The second which--"to which she was referring"--is fine, assuming you don't like prepositions at the end of a sentence.

Two whiches together, though? I wouldn't.

Which which do you think I will be getting rid of?

"...without specifying which judge she was referring to."

It's fine to end a sentence with a preposition, especially if not doing so results in a weird which situation.


Mahashakti said...

" . . without specifying which judge to which she was referring."

The wicked which I'd get rid of is the second which.

" . . .without specifying which judge she was referring to."

Anonymous said...

How about substituting "to whom" for the second which?

The Sentence Sleuth said...

Yes, "to whom" could go instead of the second "which," but that does sound somewhat formal.