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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Criminal Sentence 258: Concerns about agreement

From my community newspaper:

"Over the past 18 months, the safety and well-being of neighborhoods surrounding the airport has become a serious concern."

I have a serious concern about this: there is more than one concern in the sentence:

the safety of neighborhoods
the well-being of neighborhoods

Therefore, we need to pluralize everything:

the verb "has become" (should be "have become")
"a serious concern" (should be "serious concerns")

Here's the rewrite:

"Over the past 18 months, the safety and well-being of neighborhoods surrounding the airport have become serious concerns."


JoJo said...

You have such a gift.

JoJo said...

How about this headline from FoxNews about the gym murderer.

"Pennsylvania police say gunman who invaded health club and killed three long had targeted aerobics class"

Anonymous said...

I think you are arguably wrong about this. Although "safety and well-being" is expressed grsmatically as a compound of two entities, it substantively expresses a single concept. So it is a collective.

"Country Joe and the Fish was a popular act at Woodstock."

The Sentence Sleuth said...

Perhaps... Though, if safety and well-being mean the same thing, why would you want to repeat yourself? Maybe just "safety" should appear.
Thanks for your comment.