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Monday, June 20, 2011

Poll Results 139

Here was the question:

What's wrong with this? [Narrator thinks to self about baby names] "I like Emma. And Ella. And Hannah." [Second character says] "Does every baby name have to be a palindrome?"

21 (44%)
3 (6%)
Word use
15 (31%)
8 (17%)

Congratulations to 31% of you. The source of the error is the word "palindrome," a word that is spelled the same both forwards and backwards. "Hannah" is an example, but "Emma" and "Ella" are not palindromes.


Westley said...

My initial response was that the quote marks in the first utterance were wrong. If the narrator were thinking to himself, then I would have expected it to have been in italics, but then when the second character responded (though incorrectly), I realised that the narrator wasn't so much thinking to himself; rather, he was talking to himself (and the second character butted in, right?).

The Sentence Sleuth said...

Well, the novel was from Character A's point of view, so she was thinking to herself, and then Character B spoke out loud.