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If you find a particularly terrible sentence somewhere, post it for all to see (go here and put it in the Comments section).

Friday, April 12, 2013

Criminal Sentence 645: Good Monetary News/Bad Grammar News

From a financial institution:

"The expense ratio on several of the funds you hold in this account have changed."

Yeah! Two expense ratios went down.
Boo! Bad grammar.

This should be changed to

"The expense ratios on several of the funds you hold in this account have changed."


"The expense ratio on several of the funds you hold in this account has changed."

And perhaps "on" should be "of" (if you don't mind two cases of "of" in this sentence).

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Criminal Sentence 644: No Pain, No Grain

From a financial document I am editing:

"Within that landscape, we isolate singular investment opportunities for exploitation and capital grain."

Is the grain corn or wheat?

I just had to chuckle at that.