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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Criminal Sentence 556: Why Deny Correct Punctuation?

From a book I'm reading:

"It was that secretive quality that drew her to him in the first place, why deny it?"

This is an example of two sentences smushed into one.

Sentence 1: "It was that secretive quality that drew her to him in the first place."
Sentence 2: "Why deny it?"

You can't just put a comma wherever you want, there are things called periods, they separate sentences. (Ooh, that was painful--using incorrect punctuation!!)


Destiny said...

I suggest these three rewrites: It was that secretive quality that drew her to him in the first place. Why deny it?


It was that secretive quality that drew her to him in the first place - why deny it?


It was that secretive quality that drew her to him in the first place: why deny it?

Am I right?

The Sentence Sleuth said...

I like the em dash the best (your second), but all are better than a comma!

Destiny said...
