Living in Arizona, I have the privilege of seeing these critters walking around in my house. I know for a fact that being arachnids, they have eight legs, not six.
Keep learning alive by getting the leg count right!
I guess I can excuse non-Arizonans for not being up on how many legs scorpions have. On the other hand, the artists who decorated a local freeway with pictures of local wildlife made the same mistake. I can't excuse them!
be it 6, 8 or 100 legs, it's the tail part that bothers me.
Ever see a "whip" scorpion? I did. I nearly sat on a toilet just outside of Tortilla Flat that had one inside. "OOOOO!" I jumped up and flushed that bugger down!
I agree!
No whip scorpions. Just Arizona bark scorpions. Lovely creatures. (Sarcasm.)
I'm an Arizonan too, and when I see scorpions, I admit that I don't really stop to count their legs.
Eight squished legs!
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