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Friday, November 6, 2009

Traditional or Modern Apostrophe

Do you know how to make a singular noun that ends in s possessive?

Tennis' greatest rivalry or tennis's greatest rivalry?

Some guides tell you 's and some tell you just '. The traditional view is 's, but nowadays just an apostrophe is accepted. Do you think that's criminal or acceptable?


leeflailmarch said...

I use the modern myself.

Doug and Amanda said...

I struggled with this at the beginning of the year. I teach third grade, and I was making labels for their homework folders (i.e. "Sarah's Homework Folder). I was unsure of what to do with the apostrophe in names that end in -s. I actually put a post on my facebook to ask people whose names end in -s which they prefer. Most people said they prefer s'. Other research I did said either way is acceptable.

Karissa said...

I used to think if it ended in -s, just an apostrophe was needed, but as of this year, I learned 's is the recommended way of writing. I only use the apostrophe at the end if it's a plural possessive. Nothing more.

amber said...

The AP Stylebook is to blame.

Westley said...

A 'rule' I heard is that if the "s" is pronounced as a separate syllable, then you add "'s" otherwise just add "'"

An example: The Smiths' house, but the Jones's house.

Westley said...

...May I continue?

The examples given are plural nouns, and the question asked about singular nouns, but I feel the 'rule' may still apply: If spoken separately, then add the extra 's'