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Monday, February 16, 2009

Poll Results 23

This was the question:

What's wrong here? "I hate a synopsis as much as you do, but they are a necessary evil of the business."

Spelling 3 (4%)

Grammar 60 (81%)

Punctuation 5 (6%)

Nothing 6 (8%)

Well, 81% of you were right. "A synopsis" does not match up with "they," so you need to make these two agree. Your choices are either make both singular or make both plural:

"I hate a synopsis as much as you do, but it is a necessary evil of the business." (I prefer this one.)
"I hate synopses as much as you do, but they are necessary evils of the business."


Kathryn Magendie said...

would it be punctuation as well?

I hate a synopsis as much as you do; but.... ?

I hate a synopsis as much as you do. It is a necessary, etc.

or does the 'but' make the semicolon not necessary?

The Sentence Sleuth said...

No semicolon necessary with the "but."
Here are your options:

1. I hate a synopsis as much as you do, but it is a necessary evil.
2. I hate a synopsis as much as you do; it is a necessary evil.
3. I hate a synopsis as much as you do. It is a necessary evil.