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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Criminal Sentence 663: Is Abby Getting Married to a Reader's Boyfriend?

Today's Dear Abby concerns a woman who is having boyfriend intimacy problems and Abby is advising the woman to be careful before she considers marrying him. The closing sentence suggests the couple go to a hotel:

"Before agreeing to marry him, I recommend you schedule some time alone together by spending a few romantic weekends at a hotel or motel."

Who would be marrying whom in this sentence?

"Before agreeing to marry him, I ..."

No, not I! "I" is Abby.

Let's rephrase:

"Before you agree to marry him, I recommend you schedule some time alone together by spending a few romantic weekends at a hotel or motel."


"I recommend that before agreeing to marry him, you schedule some time alone together by spending a few romantic weekends at a hotel or motel."


Unknown said...

Technically you are correct, but in this case I believe there is no doubt in the reader's mind who should shack up with whom!

Westley said...

Isn't technical what this page is all about? We may 'know' what they mean, but it is fun sometimes to laugh at what they are actually saying. :-)

Belzecue said...

So, no comma after "that"?

"I recommend that, before agreeing to marry him, you schedule some time alone together by spending a few romantic weekends at a hotel or motel."

Debbie Littlejohn said...

I don't think you schedule some time together by spending weekends in a hotel, Belzecue. I get the idea but the sentence is not correct. Since the original sentence is not written on this comment form I guess I won't make an attempt!