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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Criminal Sentence 663: Is Abby Getting Married to a Reader's Boyfriend?

Today's Dear Abby concerns a woman who is having boyfriend intimacy problems and Abby is advising the woman to be careful before she considers marrying him. The closing sentence suggests the couple go to a hotel:

"Before agreeing to marry him, I recommend you schedule some time alone together by spending a few romantic weekends at a hotel or motel."

Who would be marrying whom in this sentence?

"Before agreeing to marry him, I ..."

No, not I! "I" is Abby.

Let's rephrase:

"Before you agree to marry him, I recommend you schedule some time alone together by spending a few romantic weekends at a hotel or motel."


"I recommend that before agreeing to marry him, you schedule some time alone together by spending a few romantic weekends at a hotel or motel."